Asep Kurniawan


Leaders are not only required to be able to affect people, but also must be able to lead in the face of changes that occur due to changes in both internal and external, and able to be a source of inspiration for his subordinates and also must be able to motivate subordinates. The role of the leader is very strategic because it becomes framers vision, mission and goals of the organization also plays an important role in determining the attainment strategy and directing members of the organization for the achievement of goals. The formulation of the problem was how the authors formulate a leader able to lead effectively. Discussion of the method using a literature review of various sources and do research, study and analysis that resulted in the conclusion that is able to answer the problem formulation. The results show discussion leader has good performance depends on how the leader treats subordinates. Measurement model can be effective leaders use transformational leadership style indicator. Effective leadership can be achieved when a leader is able to combine the precision of leadership styles, leadership models and typologies of leadership in the face of the development environment and the conditions that lead. Way in treating subordinate leaders is critical to the performance leader for the success of a leader is measured by the performance is highly dependent on how the leader treats subordinates.

Keyword : leader, leadership, effective, organization

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