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Remind Solution - How can I heal my lungs naturally?

by laura nicholas (2021-11-08)

The smoker's lungs are the most affected and the lungs play a vital role in the life-saving mechanism. Clearing a smoker's lungs is essential for detoxification and a healthy life.

Smoking is a bad habit because it affects your health and the health of the people around you. Studies show people who quit smoking have traces of lung damage even after several years. The lungs in our body are designed for the exchange of gases known as oxygen and carbon dioxide.

When you take in toxic gases, your lungs get badly damaged. It is imperative that you know the steps to clear lungs. Cleaning lungs of smokers can be done in some effective ways.

A certain amount of lung damage is prevalent throughout the world, even if you are not a smoker. There are a number of ways that the lungs become intoxicated. Industrial pollution, passive smoking, etc.

Many long-term smokers have dealt with bronchitis or a persistent cough. The best thing a smoker can do is quit. However, if you are unwilling to kick this unhealthy habit, you can at least try to clear your lungs. This also applies to all of us who, without being direct or passive smokers, want to give our lungs a better quality of life.

Foods that help clean lungs

Cleaning lungs from time to time can pave the way for a better life, and this can be done by following some simple ways, including diet.

Eat lots of onion, garlic, ginger, and turmeric. All these ingredients are great preventives against malignant diseases. However, turmeric has antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer properties. It also contains a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids and is recommended for regular use.

Turmeric to cleanse lungs


  • 1 kg of onions
  • 1 litre of water
  • 400 grams of muscovado / organic / panela / sucanar / rapadura sugar
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric
  • small fresh peeled ginger root


  • Put the sugar in the water and place this mixture on the fire.
  • Add the onion -which must be peeled and cut into quarters-, ginger powder and turmeric. When the mixture begins to boil reduce the heat.
  • Cook until the liquid is reduced by half.
  • When you've finished cooking, strain the resulting mixture and transfer it into a glass jar.
  • After the mixture cools, place the pitcher in the fridge.
  • You should consume two tablespoons of this remedy in the morning on an empty stomach and in the afternoon two hours before dinner.


Exercise gets the blood flowing. That helps your brain get the oxygen and nutrients it needs for top performance. Some research found that people who rode a stationary bike or walked on a treadmill for 30-60 minutes, three times a week, had improved blood flow to the area of the brain that deals with memory retention. After 12 weeks, they did better on memory tests. Other types of exercise can be helpful as well. Yoga three times a week has been found to improve brain function in older adults.

Remind Solution