Ita Fionita


This study aims to (1) analyze strategic vision effect on organization performance with city age as the moderation; (2) analyze transparantion effect on organization performance with city age as the moderation; (3) analyze accountability effect on organization performance with city age as the moderation; (4) analyze effectivity effect on organization performance with city age as the moderation. Strategic vision ownership with city age effect positively on organization’s performance. It show that strategic vision with moderation of city age increase people trust of city government and acknowledgement of performance. Policy management transparantion has positive effect on performance of city government. Accountability has positive effect on performance of city government. If the company also consider about the social aspects, it will influence investor’s evaluation. Effectivity has positive effect on performance of city government. Effectivity will increase if supported by city age.
The results of the analysis are collected and processed using Eviews 7 in several steps of analysis stage according to requirement. First, questionnaire testing, then descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and regression analyse with moderating variable. In this study data analysis and interpretation using qualitative and quantitative method as statistic tool. In qualitative method, entered data is grouped and tabulated, and then given explanation. While in quantitative method, relation between variables are analyzed using path analyzed tool.

Keywords : strategic vision, transparency, effectiveness, accountability, and organization performance.

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