Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Dosen IBI Darmajaya Dengan Menggunakan Metode FMADM (Fuzzy Multi Attribute Decision Making) - TOPSIS

septilia arfida


A developing university, of course, needs lecturers who have good quality to give the best performance. Due to the importance of lecturer’s quality, the acceptance of the prospective lecture candidate must be done accurately. This case is needed to get prospective lecture recommendation which is suitable to the previous established criteria. So, those lecturers will be considered worthy to be part of university. There are various methods which can be used to make easier the acceptance of the prospective lecture candidate process using certain criteria. This research proposes acceptance of the prospective lecture candidate by using FMADM ( Fuzzy Multi Attribute Decision Making ) – TOPSIS method because this method can solve multi dimension problem in this process. This method is used for the selection of prospective lecture as an alternative rank calculation so as to provide recommendations for consideration for the right decision. Assessment provided an objective assessment. So will result in rank that can be applied to assist in the selection prospective lecture candidate.

Keyword : FMADM - TOPSIS, Acceptance of the Prospective Lecture Candidate Selection


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