Implementasi Metodologi Design Sprint Untuk Membangun Aplikasi Rekam Medis (Studi Kasus : Klinik Rumbia Medical)

Kadek Indra Daniawan, Wahyu Agung Nugroho, Indar Swarsih, Suhendr Y. Irianto


Medical records are activities or activities related to recording patient data when receiving medical services, handling files which include handling and issuing medical files that can be obtained when there is information needed. Problems or deficiencies in the system used, namely the medical record processing process is still done manually by recording using a medical record book, this has an impact on damage, data loss, data manipulation, data replication and the time used is still less effective and efficient in terms of data recording medical records. The next obstacle is that the medical record process has not been integrated with each other between the registration section, recording patient complaints, doctor's examinations, taking drugs and payments, so that the process of conveying information or processing data can only be done on book media. The method used is the design sprint by developing it through the approval process of each part. The result of the research is a medical record system that can be carried out starting from registration, examination and the process of taking drugs.

Keywords : Implementation; Design Sprint; Applications; Medical Records

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