Analisis Strategi Bisnis Guna Meningkatkan Daya Saing Pada Coffee shop di Bandar Lampung (Studi Kasus QALU)

Sintya Okta Viana, Beni Febriansyah, Firmansyah Yunialfi Alfian


Qalu Coffee is a coffee shop that sells various types of coffee drinks, with snacks and drinks as a complement. Qalu Coffee is located a coffee shop located on Jl. Harapan Jaya, Kec. Sukarame, City of Bandar Lampung. In order to be able to properly analyze the condition of this coffee shop, the researcher obtained the required data by conducting interviews and administering questionnaires to Qalu Coffee and competitors. The research method used is descriptive. The population in this study were all employees at Qalu Coffee and the sample for this study were the owner and administrative staff. The data collection method used by researchers is using IFAS and EFAS, as well as a qualitative SWOT Matrix. From the results of the analysis, the SO (Strenght Opportunity) strategy gets the highest score to be applied in increasing competitiveness, among others. Carrying out good product innovation can attract consumer buying interest, consistently maintain the availability of raw materials to meet volume demand, maintain good relations with raw material providers in order to maintain mutually beneficial relationships. A comfortable place of business can be the main attraction for consumers to stop by again.

Keywords : Business Strategy; Competitiveness

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