Customer Relationship Management Untuk Pemetaan Keluhan Pelanggan Berbasis Website

Neni Purwati, Sri Karnila, Hendra Kurniawan, Dona Yuliawati


Customer satisfaction is a very important part of the success of a business. Many companies state that the success of a company can be measured by the level of customer satisfaction with the services provided. There are many kinds of expressions, because satisfaction is something abstract and difficult to measure. The Askha Jaya store experiences erratic sales problems such as a decrease in the number of customers coming to the store and a decrease in revenue turnover, as well as a limited sales range. To deal with the problem of this decline, Toko Askha Jaya must improve service to customers and increase promotion or broader marketing. Services to customers such as giving discounts and product quality or facilities offered to customers will affect customer interest in coming to the Askha Jaya Store. This study aims to analyze the level of customer satisfaction with sales services at Askha Jaya Stores so that it can assess service quality and customer loyalty using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) techniques so that sales can increase. The results show that the Askha Jaya Store has experienced an increase in customers after the interface design makes it easy for users. The system can also provide customer satisfaction records to the Askha Jaya Shop in the form of a questionnaire report and is proven by a graph of customer complaints from the Askha Jaya Shop.

Keywords : Customer Relationship Management; quesioner; customer; website.

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