Analisis Algoritma Electre Dan Algoritma Weighted Product Untuk Merekomendasikan Jenis Motor Kepada Pelanggan (Studi Kasus: Wira Motor)

Bayu Septiadi, Dedi Darmawan, Sugeng Tri Wahyono, Adi Steinhardt


Motorcycle purchases are strongly influenced by consumer desires, so every company will try to create competitiveness in its sales. The obstacle that is usually faced by companies is the difficulty of choosing the type of motorbike that suits the criteria of consumers, due to the large number and type of motorbikes, so the possibility of lack of proper decision making, and this is not good if left because it will affect the productivity of the company. A motorcycle selection process with the right candidates is important, because this process will be obtained from potential customers who match the criteria desired by the company. The application of methods/algorithms is widely used to help solve motorcycle selection problems, one of the algorithms applied is Electre and Weighted Product, because these algorithms can solve multi-dimensional problems. Algorithms also produce rankings that can be used as a reference for making decisions appropriately. The conclusion of this research is that the electre algorithm helps in processing complex information and provides comprehensive results while weighted product is a decision-making method that is simpler and easier to understand. So, between the two methods are chosen based on the complexity and relevance of the decision-making system to be made. So that the criteria for selecting a motorcycle can help the decision-making process.

Keywords: Electre Algorithm, Weighted Product Algorithm, Motorcycle Purchasing, SPK.

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