Rancang Bangun Aplikasi To Do List Budidaya Tanaman Buah Melon Berbasis Mobile dengan Algoritma Genetika (Studi Kasus : IBI Darmajaya Bandar Lampung)

Rahmalia Syahputri, Bagus Dwi Prasetyo, Taufik Taufik, Anggi Andriyadi, Handoyo Widi Nugroho, Sherli Trisnawati


Makuwauri melon is one of the melon varieties originating from Korea. It has a small shape with a yellow color on the outside. This melon has a sweetness level of 14 brix or falls into the very sweet category so that this type of melon is in great demand by the public. In this study developed a mobile-based melon cultivation To Do List application with genetic algortima. The purpose of this research is to analyze the needs of a system that can help millineal farmers in cultivating melon plants and develop a system that can be a guide in carrying out agricultural activities. The main components of this research are temperature, humidity and rainfall. Each component has interrelated rules to create the right schedule.In the process of scheduling the cultivation of melon plants, some important things that must be done for the application of genetic algorithms such as chromosome coding, generating the initial population, the selection process, the crossover process, the mutation process until the regeneration loop process meets the requirements or not.This research has produced a mobile application for the cultivation of melon planting. This application is an innovation from the previous application. expected to be a blend for people who want to cultivate melon plants equipped with notification features to remind users in the cultivation of melon plants. With this application can be used as a guide in conducting agricultural activities for the community and facilitate users in finding information about melon cultivation.

Keywords : Melon, Application Tani Cerdas , Algoritma Genetika

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