Ekstrakurikuler Broadcasting dan Podcasting Sebagai Upaya Menanggulangi Dampak Negatif Daerah Pesisir

Zaidir Jamal, Novi Herawadi Sudibyo, M. Sadat Pulungan, Bayu Nugroho


SMKN 1 Dente Telada, Tulang Bawang Regency is located ini a coastal area and has extra-curricular activities for volleyball, scouts, futsal, drum bands, bands and dances with 294 students. Some of these extracurriculars lack interest and even no activities with 25.55% student member, so new extracurricular activities are needed that are current so that they are expected to increase the level of participation and protect themselves from the neative effect of coastal areas. Broadcasting and podcasting are new extracurriculars of choice and can reach all walks of live. Implementation on location, broadcasting cant reach 2.5 km with entertaiment and information program. Podcasting uses YouTube media live or recorded and can be done simultaneously with radio broadcasting.

Keywords: extracurriculars,  neative effect, coastal area, Broadcasting and Podcasting

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