Pelatihan Video Editing Bagi Anak Asuh Untuk Memberikan Keterampilan Promosi Berbasis Digital

Rahmalia Syahputri, Rohiman Rohiman, Nurfiana Nurfiana, Jaka Darmawan, Ari Widiantoko


Foster children at the As Sakinah Foster Home need video editing skills to support their independent economic program. This program provides skills from upstream to downstream, from fish and plant cultivation to how to promote and sell the produce. One of the promotional skills provided is video editing through a training program. The training consists of delivering material, practice, and evaluation. The evaluation includes the clarity of images and text, the content's accuracy and the theme's suitability, an exciting opening, an interesting closing, and motion graphics. Based on the evaluation by the juries, foster children gained scored in the range of 37.25 to 49 on a scale of 0-50. These numbers show good absorption of the material provided by the foster children. In addition, there has been an increase in the number of foster children who have video editing skills, from two to 19.


Keywords  : Foster child, Video editing, Digital promotion, Economic Independent, Cultivation

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