Retno Dwi Handayani, Ari Widiantoko, Juli Nursandi, Irfan Afrega Saputra


Birds are one type of pest that worries many rice farmers when they enter the harvest period. During the harvest period, farmers start to get busy again with activities to protect their crops so that birds don't eat them. Efforts made by farmers to repel bird pests are still carried out conventionally, namely by tying ropes to poles and making scarecrows which are moved by farmers. If birds enter the rice fields, this is deemed less effective and efficient. As a follow-up to this problem, this research aims to help farmers protect rice plants from bird pests during the pre-harvest season. This intelligent system was built using laser sensors and can automatically detect and control bird pests. This laser beam is reflected by mirrors installed on both sides of the rice field. This mirror is used to reflect laser light to detect the presence of bird pests and send data to the ESP8266 MCU node to instruct the AC motor to pull the tassel rope to repel bird pests. Based on the research results, this tool has been implemented at IMTA so that this tool can be used to detect the presence of bird pests and control bird pests so that it can be used as an effort to control bird pests. Apart from that, monitoring the work of this tool system can be done remotely via the website.


Bird Pests, Laser Sensor, Motor AC, Mirror, ESP8266, Smart System

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