Delivery of learning material in courses that are efficient in lectures at the University Madura, especially in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Science Teaching and Education is a difficult thing to do achieved, to be able to provide a good understanding and efficient in learning both mastery and understanding concepts, theories, methods or philosophy of a particular field of science obtained through in-process reasoning student learning and work experience. Some research has attempted to propose a solution in the delivery of learning, but very difficult to find a good method to use. In this research proposed a media optimization method learning by using scaffolding in the application e-learning students in understanding the definition of material lectures, which is by using the method scaffolding will provide increased capabilities students in understanding the learning material, 6 strategies the scaffolding used in e-learning includes: modeling, instructing, explaining, questioning and hints, contingency management, and feeding back. Through e-learning system optimization planning, test results system conducted on 50 respondents for maleand female students produced a percentage of 63.82% for female students and 81.47% for male students as benefit values on the evaluation of e-learning system optimization planning.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30873/ji.v20i2.2414
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